Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-001)
Active Membership
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that Members in good standing are entitled to attend general and special meetings, to vote on all questions coming before the membership, and to hold office and serve on standing or special committees;
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that good standing requires payment of membership fee, if imposed by the Board, and active participation in the Organization’s mission; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall define what constitutes active participation;
BE IT RESOLVED, that active participation consists of attending Membership and/or Board meetings three (3) times during the year or providing substantial assistance in organizing the Independence-day festival by being responsible for particular task(s).
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-002)
Election of Officers
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall elect the officers within thirty (30) days after the annual meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws define the responsibilities of the officers;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following individuals are elected to serve as officers of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee for a two-year term:
Office Name
President Rosangela Tavares
Secretary Denise DeBarros
Treasurer Carlos Medina
Social Officer and Sunshine Officer Ineida Lopes Rocha
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-003)
Establishment of an Advisory Committee
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may establish ad hoc committees; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds it would be beneficial to have an advisory committee of individuals who can provide substantial contribution to the Organization’s mission based on their background, experience, knowledge, profession, community service, etc. but are not Directors or Officers of the Organization;
BE IT RESOLVED, that an advisory committee is established; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board confers on its Chairperson the power to appoint the members of the advisory committee, in consultation with the Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-004)
Anti-Nepotism Resolution
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall, among other things, define and articulate the organization’s policies; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that nepotism could affect its deliberations as well as the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee’s operation and positive public image;
BE IT RESOLVED, that no immediate family members (as defined below) of Board members or officers will be considered for Board membership or office positions with the Organization. Immediate family members consist of husband, wife, in formal or common law marriage, as well as siblings, children and parents of board members or officers.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-005)
Transparency Policy
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall, among other things, define and articulate the Organization’s policies; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that cash transactions could affect transparency and record keeping;
BE IT RESOLVED, that going forward the Organization will endeavor to use checks in transactions with third parties, namely performers, vendors and service providers.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-006)
Procedures for Request and Disbursement of Checks
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall, among other things, define and articulate the Organization’s procedures;
WHEREAS, the Board finds that cash transactions could affect transparency and record keeping; and
WHEREAS, the Board has adopted Resolution No. 2014-005 encouraging that transactions with third parties, namely performers, vendors and service providers be check-based;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee (Officers of the Organization) shall determine the procedures to request and disburse checks and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-007)
Membership Drive
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may, among other things, take any action it deems appropriate to increase the membership; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Organization to increase the membership;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the Executive Committee to develop a plan to increase the membership to at least fifty (50) members during the next six (6) months and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution to be considered by the Board during its next official meeting .
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-008)
Potential Programs
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the purpose of the Organization is to, among other things, improve the well-being of Cape Verdean communities and to engage in any other activities permissible by law and consistent with the mission statement;
WHEREAS, the Bylaws also confer on the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board the power to adopt any resolution to, among other things, effectuate, complement and/or supplement any and all provisions of the Bylaws; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the following programs would improve the well-being of Cape Verdean communities:
1) Mentorship;
2) Scholarship;
3) Legal awareness and prevention;
4) Citizenship; and
5) Participation in the civic affairs
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Executive Committee to research and develop the blueprints for each of these programs and any other programs that the Executive Committee deems appropriate and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution to be considered by the Board during its next official meeting.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-009)
Collaboration with other Nonprofit Organizations
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may take any action that the Board deems in the best interest of the Organization, and that is not contradictory to the Bylaws or the applicable laws of the State of Rhode Island for Non-profit Corporations; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Sub-Committee to collaborate with other Cape Verdean nonprofit organizations in undertaking projects of mutual benefit to the Sub-Committee and the other organization(s);
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Executive Committee to identify projects for such joint venture and the nonprofit organizations suitable for such collaboration and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution to be considered by the Board during its next official meeting.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-010)
Raising Funds
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board is responsible for, among other things, securing adequate financial resources for the Organization to fulfill its mission; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Organization has incurred or will incur certain financial obligations in the near future in order to achieve its mission;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the Executive Committee to develop a plan to raise at least three (3) thousand dollars during the next three (3) months and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution to be considered by the Board during its next official meeting.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-011)
Public Campaign
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board is responsible for, among other things, taking any action that the Board deems appropriate to gain the community’s support and to enhance the Organization’s public image; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Organization has attained many milestones since the July 2014 Festival that should be disclosed to the public, including the institution of a comprehensive Bylaws, election of the Board of Directors, election of the Officers, and adoption of various resolutions concerning the operation of the Organization;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the Executive Committee to develop a plan for a public campaign to inform the Cape Verdean community of, among other things, the Organization’s achievements, objectives and operation, and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution to be considered by the Board during its next official meeting.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-012)
Exploratory Committee to Evaluate the Pros and Cons of 501 Status
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall take any action that the Board deems necessary for the proper functioning and/or in the best interest of the Organization and that is not contradictory to the Bylaws or the applicable laws of the State of Rhode Island for Non-profit Corporations; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Organization to explore the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining its own tax-exempt status;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes its member Antonio Lima to research the issue and present his findings within three months from today.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-013)
Report to the Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board is responsible for, among other things, taking any other action that the Board deems necessary for the proper functioning and/or deems in the best interest of the Organization; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that the Organization needs to report its milestones to the Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission’s (HPHC);
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes its chairperson to liaise with the HPHC.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-014)
Joining the National Alliance of Cape Verdean Organizations
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may take any action that the Board deems in the best interest of the Organization, and that is not contradictory to the Bylaws or the applicable laws of the State of Rhode Island for Non-profit Corporations; and
WHEREAS, the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Sub-Committee to join the National Alliance of Cape Verdean Organizations (NACVO);
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Chair to take the appropriate steps to effectuate this resolution and liaise with NACVO.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-015)
Interaction with Governmental Officials
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may take any action that the Board deems in the best interest of the Organization, and that is not contradictory to the Bylaws or the applicable laws of the State of Rhode Island for Non-profit Corporations; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Sub-Committee to development and sustain a good relationship with the Cape Verdean as well as the United States governments. The term government includes any elected or appointed official of the said governments at the local, state or national level.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Chair to liaise with governmental officials.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-016)
Festival Sub-Committees
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may establish ad hoc committees; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Organization to establish various sub-committees in connection with the Independence Day festival;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following sub-committees are established:
1) Children Activities;
2) Education and Cultural Exhibits
3) Entertainment;
4) Grounds and Licensing;
5) Hospitality
6) Marketing;
7) Safety and Security;
8) Sponsorship and Grants;
9) Vendors; and
10) Volunteers
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that consistent with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, the Chairperson shall appoint the head of each of these sub-committees, in consultation with Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-017)
Membership Committee
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may, among other things, take any action it deems appropriate to increase the membership;
WHEREAS, the Board authorized the Executive Committee, through Resolution No. 2014-007, to develop a plan to increase the membership and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee recommends that the Board establish a Membership Committee that shall, among other things, advise the Board and execute the Membership program;
BE IT RESOLVED, after considering the Executive Committee’s recommendation, the Board adopts such recommendation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that consistent with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, the Chairperson shall appoint the head of the Membership Committee, in consultation with Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-018)
Fundraising Committee
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board is responsible for, among other things, securing adequate financial resources for the Organization to fulfill its mission;
WHEREAS, the Board authorized the Executive Committee, through Resolution No. 2014-010, to develop a plan to raise at least three thousand dollars ($3,000) during the next three (3) months and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee recommends that the Board establish a Fundraising Committee that shall, among other things, advise the Board and execute the fundraising program;
BE IT RESOLVED, after considering the Executive Committee’s recommendation, the Board adopts such recommendation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that consistent with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, the Chairperson shall appoint the head of this Committee, in consultation with Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-019)
Public Relations Committee
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board is responsible for, among other things, taking any action that the Board deems appropriate to gain the community’s support and to enhance the Organization’s public image;
WHEREAS, the Board authorized the Executive Committee, through Resolution No. 2014-011, to develop a plan for apublic campaign to inform the Cape Verdean community of, among other things, the Organization’s achievements, objectives and operation, and present its recommendation to the Board in the form of a resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee recommends that the Board establish a Public Relations Committee that shall, among other things, advise the Board and execute the public relations program;
BE IT RESOLVED, after considering the Executive Committee’s recommendation, the Board adopts such recommendation; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that consistent with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, the Chairperson shall appoint the head of this Committee, in consultation with Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-020)
Civic Affairs Committee
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may establish ad hoc committees; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that participation by the Cape Verdean community in the civic life would be in the best interest of the Organization;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board establishes the Civic Affairs Committee that shall, among other things, advise the Board and execute the Organization’s civic participation program; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that consistent with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, the Chairperson shall appoint the head of the Civic Committee, in consultation with Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-021)
Mentorship Committee
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may establish ad hoc committees; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Organization to establish a Mentorship Committee;
BE IT RESOLVED, that a Mentorship Committee is hereby established; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that consistent with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, the Chairperson shall appoint the head of each of the Mentorship Committee, in consultation with Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-022)
Committee Heads
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may establish ad hoc committees;
WHEREAS, the Board established various sub-committees in connection with the Independence Day festival through Resolution 016;
WHEREAS, the Board also established the Membership, Fundraising, Public Relations, Civic Affairs, and Mentorship Committees through Resolutions 017, 018, 019, 020 and 021, respectively;
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee recommended that each of the above-mentioned Committees be headed by an officer; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee also recommended that a general Festival Committee be established and headed by the Executive Committee;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the Executive Committee’s recommendations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, the Chairperson shall appoint the head of each of these Committees consistent with the Executive Committee’s recommendation and in consultation with Board members.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-023)
Second Election of Officers
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall elect the officers within thirty (30) days after the annual meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Bylaws define the responsibilities of the officers;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following individuals are elected to serve as officers of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee for a two-year term:
Office Name
Vice-President Susan Pires
Chief Legal Officer Carlos Costa-Rodrigues
Public Relations Officer Antonio Lim
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-024)
Appointment of Committee Heads
WHEREAS, the Board established the Membership, Fundraising, Public Relations, Civic Affairs, and Mentorship Committees through Resolutions 017, 018, 019, 020 and 021, respectively; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee recommended that each of the above-mentioned Committees be headed by an officer;
BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 9(g) of the Bylaws, consistent with the Executive Committee’s recommendation, and in consultation with Board members, the Chairperson appointed the following officers to head the following Committees:
Officers Committees
1) Vice President Susan Pires Membership
2) Treasurer Carlos Medina Fundraising
3) Secretary Denise DeBarros Mentorship
4) Public Relations Officer Antonio Lima Public Relations
5) Social and Sunshine Officer Ineida Rocha Civic Affair
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2014-025)
Alternative Means of Participation in Board Meetings
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board shall take any action that the Board deems necessary for the proper functioning and/or in the best interest of the Organization and that is not contradictory to the Bylaws or the applicable laws of the State of Rhode Island for Non-profit Corporations; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interest of the Organization to have the maximum participation of the Board members in the Board meetings;
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes alternative means of participation by its members in Board meetings under special circumstances. Alternative means consist of teleconference, absentee ballots, and any other means that the Board may approve and that is not contradictory to the applicable laws of the State of Rhode Island for Non-profit Corporations. Special circumstances include illness, death of a relative, travelling, and pre-scheduled conflicting commitments in existence at the time that the Board meeting is scheduled.
Resolution of the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board of Directors (No. 2015-026)
Appointment of Sub-Committee Heads
WHEREAS, the Bylaws states that the Cape Verdean Sub-Committee Board may establish ad hoc committees and the Chairperson shall appoint the head of each such committees in consultation with Board members; and
WHEREAS, through Resolution 2014-026, the Board established the sub-committees identified below in connection with the Independence Day festival;
BE IT RESOLVED that, after consulting with the majority of the Board, the Chair appoints the following individuals to serve as the head of the following sub-committees for the 2015 festival:
Sub-Committee Head of Sub-Committee
1) Children Activities Lia Rodrigues
2) Education and Cultural Lucy Rose and Anna Marie
3) Entertainment Rosangela Tavares
4) Grounds and Licensing Carlos Medina
5) Hospitality Ineida Rocha
6) Marketing Tony Lima
7) Safety and Security Khrystyne Bento
8) Sponsorship and Grants Susan Pires
9) Vendors Denise DeBarros
10) Volunteers Ana Soares and Lenira Monteiro