The purpose of the Cape Verdean Sub-committee is to commemorate the history and culture, to preserve the traditions of Cape Verde and Cape Verdean Americans, to study the economics, social, political and religious aspects of Cape Verde, and to foster brotherhood and understanding among our citizens.
The Sub-committee consists of an Executive team who lead the committee and enforce the by-laws set forth by the community. The committee is a public forum where members of the community are invited to join, bring forth their ideas and resources in an open forum, to better the Cape Verdean community, and take part in the elective process of the committee. Elections are held every two years.
Executive Team
Vice President
Social Chair
Sunshine Chair
Media/Communications Chair
Public Relations Chair
Newly adopted in 2014, the Social Chair will organize and implement a number of social events throughout the year to enhance the social experiences of the Cape Verdean community, and further share its rich culture and heritage with its neighbors, while creating additional social network opportunities for its members.
The Sunshine Chair position has been expanded to include more charitable events and initiatives throughout the year that will empower the Cape Verdean community to enhance the lives of its community members and their families, and extend its network of supports to its neighbors as well.
In addition, two new executive board appointments, the Media/Communications and Public Relations Chairpersons, will act as spokespeople for the Sub-committee, orchestrate the network of communications with partners, supporters, and other media affiliates, and help build and sustain good relationships between the Sub-committee and the general public, in the United States and abroad.
The Sub-Committe has also incorporated a Legal Advisory Board to provide legal advise and arbitration, and a number of smaller planning committees in which members and non-members of the Sub-committee may elect to take part, sharing their ideas and resources for various events, including the annual festival.
New Planning Committees:
- By Laws committee
- Festival Entertainment committee
- Stage and Tent committee
- Marketing and Media committee
- Safety and Security committee
- Hospitality committee
- Grounds/licensing committee
- Sponsorship/Grants committee
- Vendors committee
- Volunteer/workforce committee
- Children’s activites committee
- Set-up/decoration committee
- Break-down/storage committee
For further info contact Denise Debarros Tel: 401-617-9833 Email: